Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 6: 5/20


Without, Unless

抜きでは can be contracted to 抜きじゃ.


Noun + ()きで()
Noun + ()きに()
Noun + + ()きにして()
Noun + + ()きとして()
Noun + () + + Noun


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About 抜きで

()きで, a combination of the noun form of the う-Verb ()く 'to extract', and the particle で, is a construction that usually indicates something being done 'without (A)', or 'with the removal of (A)'. As ぬき indicates the extraction of something, this grammar pattern is primarily used to indicate 'leaving out', or 'setting aside' something that is regularly included.
()きで acts as a suffix, so will be utilized after nouns, to indicate the thing that is being left out. Both the plain hiragana and kanji forms are fairly common. Additionally, の will replace で when ぬき is followed directly by another noun.
  • あの(ひと)冗談(じょうだん)()きで(こわ)いから(おこ)らせない(ほう)がいいよ。
    That guy is scary, no joke, so you shouldn't upset him.
  • あいつら全然(ぜんぜん)()ないな、あいつら()きで(はじ)めちゃおうぜ。
    They aren't coming at all (it doesn't seem like they are coming anytime soon). Let's start without them.
  • ワサビ()寿司(すし)なんて寿司(すし)じゃないよ。
    Sushi without wasabi is not sushi.
Occasionally, にして may also replace で, but this is structure is more common when the part (B) section of the sentence includes a ない or できない based statement. These expressions indicate that something 'will not happen without (A)', or 'is not possible without (A)'.
  • (わか)労働者(ろうどうしゃ)()きにしては、日本(にほん)建築業(けんちくぎょう)()()たない。
    Without young workers, Japan's construction industry would not exist.
  • 公共(こうきょう)交通(こうつう)機関(きかん)()きにして便利(べんり)生活(せいかつ)ができない。
    Without public transportation, you cannot live a convenient life.
However; this is not always the case, as ぬきで or ぬきでは may also appear in negative sentences, with the same meaning.




    Sushi restaurant employee: 'Are you ready to order?' Guest: 'Yes, I would like to have tuna nigiri without wasabi.'


    Girl: 'Do you like my cooking?' Boy: 'Without flattery, I haven't eaten anything more delicious than this in my life.'


    C: 'A and B are dating!' D: 'Whaa? No kidding? (without joking)'


    You can never eat fugu without risk.


    Words without 'ら', like '食べれる' are getting more popular.

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抜きで – Grammar Discussion

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  • megatron0000


    The Nihongoの森 video is now private

  • Fuga


    Thank you for letting us know about this! It seems like the link has been replaced!

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