Verb[stem]+ ぬく
About 抜く
When connected to the ます-stem of another verb, the う-Verb 抜く 'to extract' is often used to indicate that (A) has happened 'completely'. This 'extract' nuance frequently indicates that beyond completion, (A) has been 'overcome', or 'seen through to the bitter end'.
The literal meaning of 抜く can be thought of as being quite close to the English expression 'to pull through', for example, 'despite difficulties, I pulled through in the end'. Let's look at a few examples of where 抜く will be used.
Alternatively, 抜く may be used in situations where (A) is something that is done to a very deep or substantial degree. This nuance is less like 'to pull through', and closer to 'thoroughly', or simply 'deeply'. This meaning tends to appear with verbs that don't have an obvious end, like 知る 'to know'.
Despite this nuance seeming different, the verb with 抜く attached to it in these types of sentences is usually considered to have already been done to a 'finished' degree, where there is nothing left beyond that point. With the example of 'to know', it would mean 'to know every single little detail'.
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Walter-san is all-knowing when it comes to chemistry. (completely)
To completely pull out the nails in the lumber.
Even if I have to sit up all night, I want to complete this project.
He lived life completely as a fisherman.
If they are a true friend, they need to have a heart that you can completely believe in.
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