Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 4: 12/17

(ゆえ)Because, The reason is, Due to, Therefore, So


Noun + ((1)) + ゆえ + (
Noun + ((1)) + ゆえ + + Noun
[な]Adjective + ((1))+ ゆえ + (
[な]Adjective + ((1))+ ゆえ + + Noun
[い]Adjective + (が)+ ゆえ + (
[い]Adjective + (が)+ ゆえ + + Noun
Verb + (が)+ ゆえ + (
Verb + (が)+ ゆえ + + Noun
Phrase (A)。(その(2))+ ゆえ + +Phrase (B)

(1) である、が、である
(2) それそれ


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About ゆえに

When the noun (ゆえ) 'consequence' is paired with the case marking particle に, it will be used in formal situations to highlight reasons. This may be interpreted as 'because of (A)', 'due to (A)', or 'the reason is (A)'. However, 'consequently to (A)', or 'as a consequence of (A)' are also completely acceptable translations that may help to differentiate ゆえに from less formal structures.

As ゆえ itself is a noun, regular grammar rules such as being preceded by の will occasionally be observed when following another noun. Despite this, noun + の + (ゆえ) is actually quite uncommon in modern Japanese, and the の will usually just be omitted. In other cases, ゆえに will simply attach to the standard form of words.

ゆえに may also appear at the beginning of new sentences. When this happens, it expresses 'as a result of (A)', where (A) is the entire previous sentence.

The に will need to be replaced with の when ゆえ is being connected to another noun and therefore modifying it.


Just like 'as a consequence of' in English, ゆえに tends to be used far more frequently in regard to negative reasons than positive ones.



    ラテン()のフレーズ:「不合理(ふごうり)(ゆえ)われ(しん)ず 」

    Latin phrase: 'I believe just because it is absurd.'


    Letter: 'Since the seasons are changing, please take good care of yourself.' (due to)


    Novel: 'From the perspective of Mrs. Robinson, Benjamin's overconfidence and naivety, due to his youthfulness, is charming.'

    (エー)(ならば)(ビー)(ビー)(ならば)(シー)(ゆえ)(エー)(ならば)(シー) ((エー)(しん)ならば(ビー)(しん)(ビー)(しん)ならば(シー)(しん)(ゆえ)(エー)(しん)ならば(シー)(しん)である)

    A⇒B、B⇒C therefore A⇒C (If A, then B, if B then C. Therefore if A, then C)

    ファンタジー小説(しょうせつ):「 ドワーフ(ぞく)(ほろ)んだのは(とみ)(たい)する()くなき欲望(よくぼう)(ゆえ)であった。」

    Fantasy novel: 'The reason for the dwarves' undoing was their untiring desire for wealth.'

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      ゆえに – Grammar Discussion

      Most Recent Replies (1 in total)

      • Pushindawood


        the reason is
        due to


        • Noun + (の) / ((である) + (が)) + ゆえ + ( ) / (+ + Noun)
        • な-Adj + (な) / (である) + (が)) + ゆえ + ( ) / (+ + Noun)
        • い-Adj + (が) + ゆえ + ( ) / (+ + Noun)
        • Verb + (が) + ゆえ + ( ) / (+ + Noun)
        • Phrase。(その)/(それ + (が)) + ゆえ +

        [Old fashioned expression mostly used in formal writing, meaning “cause” or “reason”]

        [There are also set expressions like ゆえあって and ゆえなくて meaning “fo...

      • casual


        In the first sentence:

        Novel: ‘From the perspective of Mrs. Robinson, Benjamin’s overconfidence and naivety, due to his youthfulness, is charming.’

        Maybe I’m overthinking it, but the pattern of commas in the translation seems to invite 故, not 故. The commas separate overconfidence from youthfulness, whereas 若さ故自信過剰 would require to link them together.

        In other words:

        The overconfidence due to youthfulness is (A)

        Due to youthfulness, the overconfidence is (A)

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