Grammar Info

N5 Lesson 10: 4/12

~て (Qualities and States)And..., Both and (Conjunctive)


[い]Adjective[ + +
[な]Adjective + + Phrase
Noun + + Phrase


  • Part of Speech


  • Word Type

    Conjunctive Particle

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About Adjective + て + B

The form of an い-Adjective, or form of a noun (or な-Adjective) is exactly the same as the form of a verb, in that it carries the meaning of 'and', and is used for linking.

Building on from the adjective +て, noun + で grammar point, instead of linking adjectives, adjective + て + (B) is used for linking an adjective to an entire phrase. With this construction, the phrase is simply added after (with い-Adjectives), or (with nouns and な-Adjectives), without any extra consideration for the phrase following it (this means that the (B) phrase will behave as if it was its own sentence).

As with adjective +て, noun + で, it should be noted that and are different structures here. is the same conjunction particle that is used with verbs (meaning that い-Adjectives are similar to verbs), while is actually a form of that is used for conjugation. It is the same as the one that is used in the formal version of , である. Which we will learn later.


Like other forms (ている 1, ている 2, and ている 3), the (or ) form of other words can have several possible meanings. These meanings are as follows.

Linking - Like 'and' in English.

Reasons - Like 'with (A)', or 'because of (A)' in English.

Manner - Like 'to do (B) in an (A) way' in English.

  • このスマホ(あたら)しく(はや)
    This phone is new and fast. (Linking)
  • このアイスクリーム(あま)美味(おい)
    This ice cream is delicious because it is sweet. (Reasons)
  • (こえ)()(はな)てください
    Please project when you speak. (Manner)


As with all other conjugations of いい, remember that it will be よくて, and not いくて.




    Risa is tall and cute.


    I want to live in a quiet and peaceful place.


    Holo is kind and gentle.


    'Luffy is a bright and good-natured person, isn't he?'
    'That's right.'


    Nitta was (used to be) sad and lonely.

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Adjective + て + B – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (10 in total)

  • Terilian


    months later revising stuff and back here again

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  • Daru


    You answered your own question: it depends in the context!

    Remember that while it is 3 separate uses, the basic meaning stays the same. So really, its as if the 3 are happening at the same time, yet context define which of the three is happening. So even the same exact sentence can come off differently depending on the context.

  • dollicia


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