Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 2: 1/22

(Particle) + のCombined particles


Noun + Particle(1) + + Noun

(1) からまで


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About Particle + の

In Japanese, many particles are often grouped together with the case marking particle の. The primary function of this is to form a link between noun (A), and noun (B). In each of these cases, noun (B) will be considered to have all of the qualities described by noun (A), and the first particle that follows it.

The particle that comes before の will always be something that adds some form of immediate information about noun (A). The most common ones are as follows:

    Noun (A) から の Noun (B) - The (B) that is 'from' (A).

Noun (A) と の Noun (B) - The (B) that is 'grouped with' (A).

Noun (A) へ の Noun (B) - The (B) that is 'toward' (A).

Noun (A) で の Noun (B) - The (B) that 'done with' (A).

Noun (A) まで の Noun (B) - The (B) that is 'until' (A).


Because noun (A) is describing noun (B), noun (B) will be considered as the subject of the statement. Due to this, particles that usually mark subjects, topics, or objects of actions cannot be paired directly with の. This includes に, も, は, が, and .




    Let's go to the handshake event with A-chan!


    The story so far is interesting.


    I heard that he won the battle with cancer.


    Nagi constantly writes letters to Hayate.


    Life at summer camp is very fun.

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Particle + の – Grammar Discussion