
N2 レッスン 6: 8/20


Depending or based on, According to, In response to, Suitable for or to,


Noun + (おう)
Noun + (おう)じた + Noun


  • 使用域


  • 使用域



(おう)じて is a combination of に, and the て-form of the る-Verb (おう)じる 'to apply to'. This grammar structure is often translated as 'depending on (A), (B)', or 'in response to (A), (B)'. However; in almost all cases, it is just indicating that (B) is something that is done in a way that is 'applicable' to what is necessary of (A).
(おう)じて will appear after nouns, or as (おう)じた when directly modifying a second noun.
  • 日本語(にほんご)(おし)える(さい)には、生徒(せいと)(たち)のレベル(おう)じてクラスを()ける必要(ひつよう)があります。
    When teaching Japanese, it is necessary to divide classes according to the level of the students.
  • この地域(ちいき)土地(とち)は、面積(めんせき)(おう)じて値段(ねだん)(たか)くなります。
    Land in this area is priced according to its surface area.
  • (わたし)たちはクライアントの要望(ようぼう)(おう)じたデザインを提供(ていきょう)しています。
    We provide designs that meet our clients' requests.
Fun-fact - (おう)じる usually indicates the way something 'responds to' or 'answers' an issue on a case-by-case basis. Due to this, what happens in (B) will frequently indicate something that changes depending on the intensity or severity of (A).


  • ジムでは実力(じつりょく)(おう)じて練習(れんしゅう)(えら)べるべきだ。

    At the gym, you should choose exercises suitable to your ability.

  • 住民(じゅうみん)からの依頼(いらい)(おう)じて小学校(しょうがっこう)周辺(しゅうへん)での(くるま)通行(つうこう)禁止(きんし)決定(けってい)された。

    In response to a request from the residents, a ban on passing through the area around the elementary school in vehicles has been decided.

  • (あか)(ぼう)のために年齢(ねんれい)(おう)じたダイエット必要(ひつよう)です。

    For a toddler, it is necessary to have a diet that is suitable for their age.

  • このフードプロセッサーは条件(じょうけん)目的(もくてき)(おう)じてペースト(じょう)にしたり(こま)かくチョッピングしたりするなどのさまざまな機能(きのう)へと()()えできる。

    This food processor can swap between various functions like creating a paste, fine chopping, and others, depending on the requirements or purpose.

  • 日本(にほん)(じん)相手(あいて)への尊敬(そんけい)()(おう)じて、お辞儀(じぎ)角度(かくど)()える。

    The Japanese change the angle of their bow, depending on the degree of respect for the other party.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





  • オンライン

  • オフライン



  • リソースを追跡する!



最近の返信 (合計2件)

  • kakapo


    I might be wrong, but I feel this example is misleading.

  • Fuga


    We have added a 、before 練習 to make it clear that we are asking for users to submit に応じて as the answer!

「に応じて」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
