
N4 レッスン 8: 9/18


Bound to (be), Expected to (be), Should be (able)

There is also another, even less used kanji for はず:弭。


Verb + はず +
[い]Adjective + はず +
[な]Adjective + + はず +
Noun + + はず +


  • 使用域


  • 使用域



はず, coming from the kanji (はず), is a word in Japanese that is very similar to 'bound' in English. This means that it expresses something that the speaker is 'quite sure is true', but cannot confirm. The most common translations of はず are 'bound to be (A)', and 'should be (A)'.
As はず is a noun, it may be used in any place that a noun would usually be used. It will often be followed by , or です.
  • 今日(きょう)(あめ)()はず
    It is supposed to rain today. (But I am not 100% sure if it will)
  • 新幹線(しんかんせん)()(ほう)(はや)はず
    It is bound to be faster if we go by shinkansen. (But I am not 100% sure if it will)
  • (かれ)(さかな)(きら)から寿司(すし)(きら)はず
    He does not like fish, so he is sure to dislike sushi. (But I am not 100% sure if he will)
  • (たの)のはコーヒーはずだったけど(ちゃ)()
    I was sure that I ordered coffee, but tea came. (But I am not 100% sure if I did)
Despite はず sometimes being translated as 'should', this is only when you think that something 'should be true', and cannot be used when making suggestions/giving advice. Due to this, 'bound' is the more accurate translation of (はず), in almost all situations.
Fun Fact
The (or です) in はずだ may be omitted. This usually makes はず sound a little less certain, like 'bound to be (A)... probably'. In the same way, speakers may sometimes add はず to the end of their sentences in a similar way to 多分(たぶん), in order to show that they are not 100% certain about whether what they just said is accurate or not.
  • ハリー今日(きょう)パーティー()く…はず
    Harry will go to the party today… Probably.
  • ()かけ(まえ)(いえ)(なか)電気(でんき)全部(ぜんぶ)()はず
    I turned off all the lights in my house before I left… I'm pretty sure.




    He is bound to return the pen he borrowed. (expected to)


    My wife is expected to return home by seven o'clock. (bound to)


    Because it is summer, it is expected to be hot. (bound to be)


    One should be able to see Mt. Fuji from here. (bound to)


    There are bound to be boats in this harbor. (expected to be)

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





  • オンライン



    • オフライン



      • リソースを追跡する!



      最近の返信 (合計9件)

      • mrnoone



        According to the great suggestion, I have added the information to the grammar point!


        Sorry for late answer (basically I have been sick for last few weeks )

      • Ambo100


        Perhaps the grammar point should just be はず? In the examples used in Genki it uses はずです and the DBJG item is just はず giving examples that use both だ and です.

        The structure section could be rephrased as はず + ( だ/です)

      • Howl_UK


        There is a Japanese Ammo video for this.


      「はずだ」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
