
N4 レッスン 3: 10/18


It seems that, It appears that, It looks like

More formal than みたい


Verb + よう +
[い]Adjective + よう +
[な]Adjective + + よう +
Noun + + よう +


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In a similar way to みたい, ようだ is used when making observations about something in Japanese. This auxiliary verb is used to express three primary things.
たとえ - Using (A) as an example to highlight the way that (B) looks/is acting.
推定(すいてい) - Using (A) as a reason for an assumption made about (B).
例示(れいじ) - Presenting (A) as an example of what (B) is.
ようだ is usually based on direct information/experience, and shows that the speaker has high confidence in what they are saying. It may also frequently appear in its kanji form, (よう)だ.
ようだ can be used with any verb, い-Adjective, な-Adjective, or noun. However, it requires な before it when used with な-Adjectives, or when used with nouns.
  • ここ(おお)ビル出来(でき)ようだ
    It seems like a big building will be made here.
  • あそこプール(ふか)(よう)
    It seems like the pool over there is deep.
  • (かれ)明日(あした)テスト自信(じしん)がある(みんな)()ている本当(ほんとう)不安(ふあん)ようだ
    He is telling everyone that he is confident about the test tomorrow, but it seems like he is actually worried.
  • ヨーダ宇宙人(うちゅうじん)ようだ
    Yoda appears to be an alien.
Although ようだ and そうだ are often used in similar situations, そうだ shows that the speaker has a lot less confidence in their statement than ようだ. Because of this, ようだ is a much better choice when stating things that are obvious/observable by anyone.
ようだ is considerably more formal than みたい, and is therefore less common in casual conversation.





    It seems like he won't come here.


    Today's weather looks like a typhoon.


    His way of speaking seems like singing.


    It seems that most of it is gone.


    That person seems like he doesn't have any money, but he really is rich.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





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      最近の返信 (合計15件)

      • soundjona


        Hello, in DBJG it says ようだ is a aux. na-adj., but in bunpro it says " This auxiliary verb is used to express three primary things.". I think it also make a bit more sense that it’s a na-adj since you need a "な・の” if it’s modified by a noun/na-adj just like other nouns/na-adj.

      • nekoyama


        This sounds like a conflict, but actually isn’t one because in traditional Japanese grammar (as opposed to anything written in English), na-adjectives are also considered “adjectival verbs” as a unit with the copula. In the same way ようだ (again as a unit including the copula) is considered an auxiliary verb. So this is just a matter of terminology, but not really different concepts.

      • soundjona


        Ok ! Thanks for the info

      「ようだ」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
