
N3 レッスン 1: 17/22

そうだ I heard that, It is said that

Do not confuse with the form of そう used with word stems.


Verb + そう +
[い]Adjective + そう +
Noun + + そう +
[な]Adjective + + そう +


  • 使用域


「そうだ 」の情報

The auxiliary verb そうだ has two primary functions in Japanese. It can convey one of the following things:

Hearsay: 伝聞(でんぶん) - Highlighting things that have been heard from other people.

Appearance: 様態(ようたい) - Highlighting the way that things 'appear', or 'seem'.

The appearance nuance is covered in another lesson, so we will focus on hearsay in this grammar point. When used to repeat statements that have been heard from other people/sources, そうだ (or そうです) will be paired with the plain form of a verb or い-Adjective, or a noun/な-Adjective followed by .

そうだ always implies that the speaker is not 100% certain about the validity of the information that they are conveying. Due to this, it does not sound as confident as other expressions, like ようだ.


In order to avoid confusion between the そうだ that is used for repeating information, and the そうだ that is used for making observations, the following differences will need to be memorized.

Verbs -

()るそうだ - Unaltered verb, そうだ that is repeating information.

()りそうだ - Conjunctive form, そうだ that is used for making observations.

い-Adjectives -

(さむ)いそうだ - Unaltered adjective, そうだ that is repeating information.

(さむ)そうだ - い removed, そうだ that is used for making observations.

Nouns and な-Adjectives -

綺麗(きれい)だそうだ - だ is used before そうだ. This is repeating information.

綺麗(きれい)そうだ - No だ between the な-Adjective and そうだ. This is making an observation.




    I heard they taste good, so I bought a bunch.


    I heard that Tom's girlfriend is an actress.


    I heard that that person is kind.


    I heard it will rain tonight.


    I heard that from next week the temperature is going to drop.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





  • オンライン

    • オフライン

        • [AIAIJ] An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese

          Page 74

        • [DBJG] A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar

          Page 407

        • Genki II 1st Edition

          Page 96

        • Genki II 2nd Edition

          Page 122

        • Marugoto Elementary 2 (A2) Rikai

          Page 130 & 154

        • Tae Kim's Japanese Grammar Guide

          Page 264

        • みんなの日本語 II

          Page 138 [CH 47]

      • リソースを追跡する!


      「そうだ 」に関する文法ディスカッション

      最近の返信 (合計11件)

      • searls



      • testing


        The second sentence is translated as “I should memorize it.” Isn’t it rather “I shall/will memorize it.”, or am I misunderstanding some grammar?

      • Daru


        Hey! Extremely late reply, but so that this remains answered if someone else asks:

        It’s ておく + Volitional, so in a way its saying: “I should [do the effort preemptively] memorize it”. If it were literally saying that it shall/needs to be remembered, something like 覚えるべきだ、覚えることだ would probably get that meaning across better, but it’s not the intention.

      「そうだ 」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
