Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 4: 5/18

う・よう + と(おも)

I think I will, I think I shall, Going to, Gonna (Volitional + と思う)


Verb[おう] + (おも)(1)

(1) (おも)っている


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About 〜ようと思う・〜おうと思う

The combination of a verb with the auxiliary verb , or よう, followed by the う-Verb (おも)う gives us the common expression ようと(おも). This expression is often translated as 'I think I will (A)', or 'I shall (A)'. It is also close to the casual expression 'I'm gonna (A)'.
Remembering that and よう can have one of three possible meanings in Japanese (as discussed in the よう grammar point), ようと(おも) is usually only used to express one of those three. That 'one' is as follows:
意志(いし) - Expresses intentions (has a similar meaning to ~するつもりだ
  • このゲームもうあきらめようと(おも)
    I think I will give up on this game already. (I have arrived at the conclusion that I will give it up)
  • (わたし)明日(あした)から電車(でんしゃ)(かよ)おうと(おも)
    I think I shall commute by train from tomorrow. (I have arrived at the conclusion that I will do it)
  • 来月(らいげつ)、バイク()おうと(おも)
    I think I will buy a bike next month. (I have arrived at the conclusion that I will buy one)
This expression is also often used with (おも)っている. In these cases, it highlights that the intention of the speaker is something that they regularly think, or have been thinking about for some time.
  • 今晩(こんばん)レストラン美味(おい)もの()ようと(おも)ているけど、ナオミ()
    I am thinking of eating something delicious at a restaurant tonight, but do you want to come too, Naomi?
(おも)っている may also be used when describing the intentions of another person, as discussed in our lesson about (おも).
  • タケル、お(まえ)絶対(ぜったい)サチコ(わか)ようと(おも)ているでしょう
    Takeru, you are definitely thinking of breaking up with Sachiko, aren't you?
Let's be careful to remember the difference between the auxiliary verbs よう, and ようだ. They are different constructions that have different meanings, and behave in unique ways grammatically.


  • 明日(あした)勉強(べんきょう)ようと(おも)

    I think I will study tomorrow.

  • 来年(らいねん)(いえ)()おうと(おも)

    I think I will buy a house next year.

  • (かえ)ってから菓子(かし)()ようと(おも)います

    I think I will eat candy after returning home.

  • 今日(きょう)から文法(ぶんぽう)勉強(べんきょう)(はじ)ようと(おも)

    I think I will start studying grammar from today.

  • 牛乳(ぎゅうにゅう)がないからスーパー()こうと(おも)

    There is no milk, so I think I will go to the store.

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〜ようと思う・〜おうと思う – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (6 in total)

  • Pushindawood


    @deltacat3 This sentence can be interpreted as “no one will eat the cheese” or “no one is eating the cheese (because it is just sitting there, not being eaten).” That being said, I think that the translation could use some work to prevent any further confusion. Cheers!

  • fdiotalevi


    Is this structure used informally only (like the volitional form alone), or can it be used in a formal context as well?

  • mrnoone



    Hey and welcome to the community forums!

    ようと思う can be used in formal and casual circumstances. So you can use it when talking to your superior at work, or to someone you don’t know.

    Remember about polite ます though
    Also, when you want to talk about plans of 3rd person, you should use ようと思っている(ようと思っています) rather than ようと思う.

    I hope it helps,

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