Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 7: 17/21


Please, Could you please


+ Verb[ます+ (ねが)
+ (Chinese Origin) Noun + (ねが)
(Western Origin) Noun + (ねが)


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About お~願う

お~(ねが) is a humble speech expression in Japanese used for making requests in the same way as お~ください 'please do (A)'. As with many other polite structures, the use of お will primarily appear with words of Japanese origin, while ご will be used for the majority Chinese-origin kanji compounds.
(ねが)う itself is a う-Verb meaning 'to petition', and the literal translation is something like 'I petition that you do (A) for me', which sounds incredibly stiff in English, but gets the point across that someone is doing a favor for you.
  • こちらからのメールが(とど)いているか、(たし)かめ(ねが)います
    Could you please make sure that you have received our email.
  • 鈴木(すずき)社長(しゃちょう)はもうすぐ到着(とうちゃく)するので、もう少々(しょうしょう)()(ねが)います
    President Suzuki will be arriving shortly, so please wait a moment.
  • この契約書(けいやくしょ)にご記入(きにゅう)された情報(じょうほう)間違(まちが)いがないか、確認(かくにん)(ねが)います
    Please make sure that the information you have entered in this contract is correct.
  • 歩道(ほどう)での禁煙(きんえん)協力(きょうりょく)(ねが)います
    We kindly ask for your cooperation in not smoking on the sidewalks.
Naturally, due to being a polite sentence pattern, お~(ねが) will almost always appear in it's ます-form, お~(ねが)います.
Interestingly, words of western origin, such as katakana loanwords, will often omit both and , appearing simply with (ねが) attached to the end.
  • この契約書(けいやくしょ)(した)(ほう)と、この書類(しょるい)(した)(ほう)にサイン(ねが)います
    Please sign at the bottom of this contract and at the bottom of this document.
Caution - As お~(ねが) is an even more polite way of saying お~ください, or simply even just てください, it will rarely be used outside of formal circumstances, such as voice-overs giving instructions etc. If used in daily speech, it may come across as sarcasm.




    Those who are here for a meeting, could you please wait in the waiting room? The person in charge is having a conference.

    書類(しょるい)のこの(した)にサイン (ねが)います

    Please sign at the bottom of the document.


    If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us.


    We ask for your cooperation in not drinking in public places.


    This is a library. Please be quiet.

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