Grammar Info

N5 Lesson 9: 6/13

~ないで(くだ)さいPlease don't (Polite request)

In casual speech, ください can be omitted, resulting in the request finishing in で


Verb[ないで]+ ください
Politeness Levels


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    Auxiliary Verb

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About ないでください

ないでください is an expression that is used to politely ask someone 'not' to do something. It is a combination of the casual negative form of a verb, the particle, and ください (the conjunctive form of くださる).

ください is classified as honorific language, a type of polite speech that is used to refer to the actions of other people. The ください form of くださる is used almost exclusively for making requests. くださる is the honorific language equivalent of くれる.

In friendly conversation, ください may be omitted from this expression, and the form itself can be used as a very casual way of saying 'please don't do (A)'.


Although ください is the polite form of くれる, ください is considered the base form of this phrase, and ないでくれ (the conjunctive form of くれる) would be considered far too casual in most situations.





    Please don't go.


    Please don't play soccer here.


    Please don't cry.


    Please don't leave me alone.


    Please don't eat that.

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ないでください – Grammar Discussion