Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 3: 17/18

がするTo give off, Smell, Sound, Taste, Sensation


Noun + + する


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About がする

In Japanese, describing things that can be experienced with the senses (excluding visual), is a little bit different to the way that we would convey it in English. Traditionally, we would use unique verbs for each of these situations, such as 'smells like (A)', 'tastes like (A)', 'feels like (A)', etc. While this is still possible in Japanese, it is not the most common way.

がする is a grammar construction that focuses on the source of the smell, sound, taste, or feeling, and makes the sensory experience itself the subject of the sentence. To use がする, simply attach it to the end of any phrase that expresses which type of 'sense' is being created/given off by the subject.

Fun Fact

Japanese often uses () 'energy', 'spirit', as something that can be perceived with the senses. Due to this, there are many phrases which use ()がする in the same way as this grammar point.





    A car is making a sound.


    This room is giving off a coffee smell.


    This food gives off a salty taste.


    This gives off an odd flavor, so I will throw it away.


    I put too much sugar in, so it gives off a sweet taste.

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がする – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (10 in total)

  • Jake


    smell・hear・taste, feel


    • Noun + が・する

    View on Bunpro

  • Kawazoe


    I just got this item in the N4 set and it was a surprise to understand that my head has an empty space for this point. Perhaps I came across it only once before or even never
    So I dove into the Dictionary of JPN grammar to look for some details.
    There is one example in the point article that shows an option of omitting が in this structure (or better say using another verb form, している instead of がする):
    This cloth feels rough
    I am not sure if it is seen often enough to be included into the point comments, but for myself I took note of this one.

  • mrnoone



    The が is not really omitted in this example. It should be not used there in the first place.
    There are two similar constructions that express perception (sensory and feelings).

    First is Noun + が + する, where noun is noun of perception. Like 味 (taste), 気 (feeling mood).

    The second one is Adverbと + する. The と adverb is basically onomatopeia (word imitating sounds) + quoting particle と.
    Those adverbs also express feelings and sensory sensations.
    Examples are イライラ (irritation), ざらざら (something rough, basically a sound that grains make when moved), スラっ (something being slender)

    BUT if the onomatopeic word is made by doubling sound, the と particle is not used.

    スラっとしている something is slender (no odubled sound)
    イライラしている someone is irritated (doubled sound, no と)
    ザラザラしている someone/something is rough (doub...

  • Kawazoe


    Ow, I see the logic now. It seems since している case expresses the same idea, authors decided to mention it under the ~する article. Their point is also clear anyway
    It’s fun to see how different items link together to form various ways to express something

  • ulurujamman


    Hi -

    For the example 車の音___ - I (hear) a car, would が聞こえる not also be an acceptable ending?

  • Johnathan-Weir


    がする focuses more on the EXISTENCE of the sound whereas 聞こえる focuses more on your ABILITY to hear the sound.

    See here:

  • Johnathan-Weir


  • Pushindawood


    @Johnathan-Weir Hey! You can use がしている in a number of contexts where the sound or smell is constant (a lingering odor rather than a brief wif or the playing of an instrument rather than something fleeting like a passing car). Cheers!

  • Johnathan-Weir


    @Pushindawood Must just not be very common then because it seems like がする is still often used even when the stimulus is continuous.

    I guess if I think about it がしている could almost be acting like a stative verb here. The mats have and always will have a good scent. Perhaps the smell of books or a musty basement would be other cases where がしている could likely be used.

    That would explain why even if a room smelled like you burned something for a couple hours (but eventually disappears) it still uses がする. Also why がしている is relatively seemingly uncommon as we tend to communicate sensory perception in the moment.


  • jrmr50


    I think it would help if this was put into the grammar point. I came here to ask the question, when is it a sensory perception がする and when is it a standard が+する doing the subject

  • trig


    I got this orange message while answering one of the challenge sentences. But isn’t this sentence, ending in 〜ましょう, polite, not casual? (Or is it referring to the ので?)


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