Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 10: 7/20

がちApt to do, Tend to do, Prone to do


Verb[stem]+ がち
Noun + がち
Noun (1) + がち + (2) + Noun

(1) Verb[stem]


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About がち

がち is a suffix in Japanese that will be used after nouns, or the conjunctive form of verbs. It conveys that someone is 'apt to (A)', 'tends to (A)', or 'is prone to (A)'. Although not always negative, がち is most frequently used to express negative tendencies.

Fun Fact

がち as a grammar structure comes from the word ()ち, meaning 'a win'. ()ち in itself is used to express something that appears 'repeatedly', or 'again and again'. Due to this, がち may be thought of as similar to 'to win out' in English, meaning that 'although there are many possibilities, (A) winning out is the most likely'. This 'winning out' may be due to preference, or sheer good/bad luck.




    That is a mistake beginners tend to make.


    He always tends to hold back.


    My boy is apt to get sick.


    That person is prone to quickly give up on losing weight.


    I have always been prone to being late.

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