Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 8: 9/22

(こと)になっているTo be expected to, To be scheduled to


Verb[る]+ ことになっている
Verb[ない]+ ことになっている


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About ことになっている

ことになっている is an alternation of ことになる, a grammar point showing that something has been decided by someone other than the speaker. It is a combination of the nominalizing use of こと (for creating noun-phrases), and the ている-form of the う-Verb なる 'to become'. The primary difference between ことになる and ことになっている is that the latter focuses more on that something is 'expected to (A)', or 'scheduled to (A)'. In other words, it is 'becoming that (A)', but has not actually happened yet.

This structure is often used after either the る or ない versions of verbs, in order to highlight the action which either is not not 'expected', or 'scheduled' to occur. Let's take a look at the 'scheduled to' meaning first.

When indicating that something is 'expected to (A)', this is an example of ている's use for expressing habitual or ongoing actions/states that reoccur under some specific set conditions.




    In this dorm, it is expected that you are up by six o'clock.


    It is expected that the contract will be renewed next year as well.


    We are expected to have a field trip at that factory next week.


    The manuscript is expected to be sent by email, not by post.


    The meeting is scheduled to take place in a government office in Tokyo.

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