Phrase + からといって + Phrase + ことにはならない
Phrase[ても] + ことにはならない
About ことにはならない
ことにはならない is an expression which is often seen at the end of sentences when the speaker wants to emphasize that something said earlier is not necessarily the case. Often, structures like ても 'even if' or からといって 'just because' will appear in the first half of the sentence, before ことにはならない will simply highlight that 'it will not be that (B)'. As a grouping, the whole expression is often interpreted as 'just because (A), it doesn't mean that (B)'.
ことにはならない is a construction of こと, に, は, and the negated form of the う-Verb なる 'to become'. In this way, the literal meaning is that 'just because of (A), (B) is not something that will come about'.
Although not required, the (B) expression may be emphasized even further by the inclusion of という before ことにはならない.
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