Verb[stem]+ すぎる
[い]Adjective[い]+ すぎる
[な]Adjective + すぎる
Verb[ない]+ なさ(1) + すぎる
[い]Adjective[く][ない] + なさ + すぎる
[な]Adjective + では(2)ない + なさ + すぎる
(1) な
(2) じゃ
Part of Speech
Word Type
Independent Word
About すぎる
すぎる is a verb that is used in Japanese to mean 'to exceed', or 'to go past'. It keeps this meaning when it is attached to other words, and creates the Japanese equivalent of saying that something is 'too much'. すぎる can be joined to the ます stem of verbs, the stem form of い-Adjectives (simply remove the い), or the stem form of な-Adjectives (simply remove the な).
With すぎる, the る is regularly omitted, with すぎ being used by itself. This is a casual language pattern, and something you will hear all the time. This variation may be used with any word that すぎる would usually be used with.
There are a few rules that you will need to be careful about when using すぎる. The first of these unique rules is using すぎる with ない. When linked to ない, the い changes to さ, creating the structure なさすぎる. This means 'too much not (A)', or more naturally in English 'not enough (A)'.
As with regular ない forms, では or じゃ will be required when used after な-Adjectives.
In the third example here, we can see that the さ has been omitted. This is technically not correct Japanese, but has become very common among young people, so it still sounds natural.
The second unique rule is when using すぎる with いい to mean 'too good'. Because すぎる is used with the stem form of い-Adjectives, you will need to remember that the stem form of いい is not actually い, but よ. This means that よすぎる would be correct, while いすぎる is not.
Because すぎる itself is a verb, it can also appear in the negative form, this confuses a lot of learners, and is something that needs to be practiced. Let's have a look at all of the ways that すぎる could possibly appear with ない.
Because the meaning is different in each one of these sentences, depending on where the ない is, and how many ない's there are, you may need to be careful while reading these, until it starts to feel natural.
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There is too much garbage here.
This sushi is too delicious.
That joke was not funny at all.
(Literally - Was too much not funny)
I always sleep too much on the weekends.
Because I wrote too much kanji, my hand hurts.
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