Verb + まで
Part of Speech
Word Type
Adverbial Particle
About Verb + まで
まで is a particle that roughly means 'as far as (A)', or 'until the point of (A)'. When used with verbs, it is often translated as 'until (A) happens'.
Because まで means 'as far as/until the point of', it cannot be used with verbs in past tense, as would usually be the case in English. Due to this, past tense will be made clear by the context of the story, or verbs that come later in the sentence.
When used with a place, まで functions similarly to に. This means that someone or something will go 'to' the place, but not go any further.
To get a better idea of how まで is used in relation to the past, let's have a look at another example, and how it would translate in English.
Here we can see that the English sentence will say 'started', but 始まる 'start' (non-past tense) is required in Japanese. However, later in the sentence, 来なかった (past tense) is used. In this way, the overall meaning stays the same, while being slightly different to what an English native speaker would expect.
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Until the movie started, I talked with my friend.
Until he comes, I will study Japanese.
Until I memorize katakana, I won't sleep.
Until I remember that kanji, I will use a dictionary.
Until I get in the bath, I want to relax.
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Learn about まで in Japanese!
Eigo Gate
The particle まで
Genki II 1st Edition
Page 228
Genki II 2nd Edition
Page 260
Marugoto Elementary 2 (A2) Rikai
Page 80 & 109
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