Phrase (A)。 そうすると + (Result) Phrase
About そうすると
そうすると, a combination of 然う (an adverb meaning 'like that', or 'as such') する and the conjunction particle と, expresses that 'once (A) was done, (B)', or 'upon (A), (B)'. そうすると is usually used at the beginning of a new sentence, to highlight something that occurred due to the circumstances mentioned in the previous sentence/statement.
As a stand-alone statement, そうすると is classified as a conjunction.
The 'result' that そうすると conveys, should always be one of two specific things. Something that the speaker has no control over, or a conclusion/determination that the speaker wants to confirm is correct (based on their understanding of the previous statement).
When そうすると is used to draw a conclusion about another person's statement, the translation is closer to 'so you mean to say (A)', or 'if so, then (A)'.
Fun Fact
Although 然う has a kanji form, this particular word will almost always be written in hiragana. This is true for many different expressions that use そう, not just そうすると.
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Raise the volume up just a little more. If that is done, then everyone can hear.
Please turn right at this street. Having done that, you will see a street map.
Please leave the house at this time. If that is done you will be on time.
Could you move a little to the right? Having done that, everyone will be able to see.
The new machines are being introduced, huh? If that happens, does it mean that I will lose my job?
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