Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 1: 17/23

っこないThere is no chance of, There is no way of, Impossible


Verb[stem]+ っこない


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About っこない

っこない is a combination of the suffix っこ, and the い-Adjective ない. When attached to the conjunctive form of verbs, it creates new い-Adjectives that express the impossibility of (A). (A) being whichever verb is used.

Common translations of っこない include 'there is no chance of (A)', or 'doing (A) is impossible'.


Although extremely rare, as っこ stems from the kanji (), this grammar point may occasionally be seen in its kanji form.




    With the skills we possess right now, we can’t destroy anything with this ring.


    If you do not practice a lot, there is no way you will be able to do a musical performance.


    If you do not practice writing in Japanese, there is no way you will become able to write it.


    Angry mother: 'There is no way you are going to accomplish anything if you are just sitting at home, playing games like a hikikomori.'


    No matter how much I study, there is no way for me to understand the difference between 'は' and 'が'.

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      っこない – Grammar Discussion