Grammar Info

N5 Lesson 6: 9/13

ってCasual quotation

Can replace と


Quote + って + Verb


  • Part of Speech


  • Word Type

    Case Marking Particle

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About って

って is a casual variation of the particle that is used for quoting something. This use is called 引用(いんよう) in Japanese, which basically translates to 'reference', or 'citation'. って is almost exclusively used after direct quotations, and will be followed by a verb indicating what type of communication was used. ()った, (おも)った, ()いた, for example.

Just like with , the verb that comes after って is frequently omitted. This is even more true for って, as many things are omitted in casual language.


Although often heard, due to って being very casual, it can be considered unnatural to use in sentences that also use the です or ます polite structures. However, if the conversation is formal but friendly (like between a senpai and a kouhai), most people would consider it normal.




    I want to say, 'Kanpai!'


    The teacher said, 'Good morning!'


    I asked, 'Is it going to rain tomorrow?'


    He said, 'I threw away my dinner'.


    I asked, 'What time is it from?'

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って – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (8 in total)

  • mrnoone



    Basically, って can be considered to be the contraction of both, と particle by itself or whole と言う phrase (among others).

    So it all depends on how much speaker wants to shorten the phrase, basically preference.

    You can say お母かあさんは「危あぶない!」って, and it will be also OK.

    I hope it makes things a bit more clear,

  • jomteon


    Ah, okay, that’s what I thought! Thanks for clearing it up

  • Pep95


    I’m currently reading a book in which the protagonist says, 『Stuff blah blah』て言う本. I interpret this as “A book called ‘Stuff blah blah’”, but am not sure what the grammar point would be, apart from a kind of colloquial version of this (って) colloquial version of 〜と.
    It’s a children’s book though, so I’m kind of surprised there are even any colloquialisms in there.
    Am I correct in my assumption here?

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