Verb[stem]+ っぱなし
Rare Kanji
About っぱなし
っぱなし is a suffix that originally comes from the う - Verb 放す 'to let loose'. When attached to the conjunctive form of verbs, it is used to indicate that something has been 'left' in a certain state. っぱなし is almost exclusively used negatively.
Fun Fact
Although 放す means 'to let loose', っぱなし conveys a feeling that is closer to 'being unchecked'. This means っぱなし can be used to convey that 'the act of (A)' is continuing without anyone there to stop it, or that the 'state of (A)' is continuing without anyone there to stop it. Which meaning is conveyed will depend mostly on the (A) verb.
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っぱなし – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (9 in total)
English translation:
leaving something in a certain state
left as is
keep on -ingStructure:
Verb[stem] + っぱなしExplanation:
[state remains unchanged・negative nuance]View on Bunpro
Can っぱなし be used here as an alternative to ずっと if rephrased to the verb stem and still have the same nuance?
Something like: テレビは昨日の夜からつけてっぱなしだった。
That’s right.Actually they are pretty often used together.
I’m sure I’ve heard this one in a few contexts before, nice to run into it on BP.
Yeah this comes up in conversation all the time, and I’ve found it doesn’t always carry the negative nuance either, although grammatically speaking it does so it’s probably better to remember it that way as a language learner.
The nihongo no mori video has been made private. Does anyone have another link to it?
They delisted the video because they’ve updated it.
I added the new one to the resources, thank you for pointing that out!
There is a line in 耳をすませば (Whisper of the Heart) that uses this, but slightly different.
Here’s the line:
雫スタンドちゃんと消しな昨日つけっ放しだったよ。This doesn’t follow the same form as the grammar point, but it seems to mean the same thing.
Could anyone help me understand?
Edit: right after posting, I saw that the title of this thread has this version, but the grammar point doesn’t mention it. Do we know why?
Edit 2: I looked again, and this form is used in the second example sentence in the write-up (though it is not highlighted), but there’s no explanation about the difference between the forms.
Edit 3: Just realized that I just wasn’t understanding the kanji usage. I thought the なし was a type of negative, but the な is just part of the kanji reading lol
I’ll leave this post up just because that one part of the sentence could be highlighted, but the rest I understand now, haha
I just want to share this great video - it’s actually an ad - for memorizing っぱなし:
Indeed it is!
It would be nice to include this in the resources, somehow!
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