Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 5: 8/22


If it were the case that, Assuming that...



Verb + したら(1)
[い]Adjective + したら(1)
[な]Adjective + () + したら(1)
Noun + () + したら(1)

(1) するとすれば


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About としたら・とすれば・とすると

When partnered with several of the assumption based expressions that are used in Japanese, the case marking particle と may be used to show a hypothesis about a certain result. This is one of the result highlighting uses of と. Structures that may be seen are as follows:
(A) としたら (B) - When (A) is the result, (B).
(A) とすれば (B) - If the result is (A), (B).
(A) とすると (B) - A result of (A) will be (B).
Although these nuances are slightly different, realistically they are used in almost exactly the same way, to express a possible (undetermined) result. This can be translated to 'assuming that (A)', or 'if it were the case that (A)'.
To use these expressions, simply attach と and your chosen variation of したら to the end of any verb/い-Adjective, or noun/な-Adjective followed by .
  • 来週(らいしゅう)()かけるとしたらどこ()たい
    If we were to go out next week, where would you want to go?
  • ()(いた)とすれば虫歯(むしば)かもしれません。
    If your tooth hurts, you might have a cavity.
  • この(かべ)()()ぐだとすると、こっち(かべ)(なな)っていうこと?
    Assuming that this wall here is straight, does that mean that this one here is slanted?
  • 通勤(つうきん)手段(しゅだん)(くるま)としたら交通費(こうつうひ)()ません
    Assuming that your mode of transportation is your car, transportation will not be compensated.




    If you were to date Tanaka or Yamada, who would you choose?


    If we suppose it was free, lots of people would come.


    Assuming that you study abroad, an essay is necessary.


    Assuming that I hadn't studied, I wonder if it would mean that tomorrow's test would be a disaster?


    Assuming that I don't go shopping, what will be done about dinner?

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としたら・とすれば・とすると – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (18 in total)

  • wct


    Hmmm, or is it “will have”, for the past in the future??? Will we ever have figured this out, at some point, especially if we hadn’t have had this current conversation, presently, in the past of the future!? Probably we will have not have had! Won’t you have not have had to have agreed, by then, at some point, I know not when?

  • Asher


    Conversations like this make it plainly obvious why English is a stupid language haha.

    Yep, that’s pretty much it. If the speaker didn’t specify exactly, it’s because they didn’t think it was important enough to do so, or they thought it was evident already.

  • Vesicularorb


    What is the purpose/difference from " 明日あした試合しあいったとすれば、決勝けっしょうすすめる and just making the exact same sentence but making the original verb in ば form (勝てば)

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