Verb[なくて]+ はない
[い]Adjective[く] + なくはない
[な]Adjective + では(1) + なくはない
Noun + が(2) + なくはない
About なくはない
Used to express that something is 'slightly (A)', 'somewhat (A)', or 'in some respects (A)' in Japanese is the phrase なくはない. This is comprised of ない in its なく (conjunctive) form connected to either verbs or nouns, は, and ない. The literal meaning of this structure is close to 'it's not that it isn't (A)', and is a type of double negative.
Although preceded mostly by verbs, this structure sometimes appears following nouns. When that is the case, が, は, or sometimes even に may be between なくはない and the noun. Additionally, the は in なくはない is interchangeable with も, with only a slight strengthening of the nuance when も is used.
This structure often appears with the potential form of verbs, in order to show that something is not impossible, despite appearances or what one may think.
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If I save, I may be able to buy it. (Literally - I won't not be able to buy it)
The tree is quite hard, but it's not that it can't be planed with this wood planer.
It looks difficult, but it's not that you can't put it together yourself.
After considering that opinion, I can somewhat agree. (Literally - I can't not agree)
It's not that I don't understand the principle, but comprehending it entirely is difficult.
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なくはない – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (4 in total)
it’s not that…
may beStructure
- Verb[ なく ] + はない
- Noun・は/が + なくはない
- いAdj[ く ] + なくはない
- なAdj・じゃ + なくはない
なくもない is also acceptable
[Often used with potential form of a verb・Used to express feelings of half-heartedness]
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So is this just a casual contraction of ないことはない?
ないことはない | Japanese Grammar SRS
…and also, for some reason, a slightly different conjugation with a Noun?Fuga
Hey @FredKore !
なくはない is not a casual contraction of ないことかない, as it has a slight difference in the nuance. なくはない has a nuance of ‘I have a feeling that it is possible (gut feeling). However, coming to that conclusion is difficult’. ないことはない has the nuance of ‘I know that it is possible. However, getting that result is not going to be easy’. This one is used to let the listener know that you can do something, but some effort will have to go into it.
For example:
It’s not that I can’t focus, it is just easier to daydream. (I have a gut feeling that I would be able to focus if I really tried, but it is easier to daydream, so I will daydream)集中ができできないことはないが、空想
And what about かねない then? Seems quite similar?
It’s not that it doesn’t exist if we look for it, but searching is too difficult.
Is this one really necessary for remembering the grammar point? It’s a very literal use of なくはない as a standalone phrase and doesn’t seem to be making use of the learned grammar. It feels to me like a trick question and is needlessly tripping up reviews
If I’m just misunderstanding something here let me know
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