Grammar Info

N5 Lesson 8: 12/13

(なに) + かSomething, Nothing, Anything, Not anything, Some kind of, Not any kind of

The meaning of these words will change, based on whether the sentence is positive, or negative


(なに) + Phrase
(なに) + Phrase[ない]


  • Part of Speech


  • Word Type

    Adverbial Particle

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About なにか・なにも

(なに) and (なに) are constructions that are used in Japanese for expressing 'something', 'anything', or 'nothing'. The main difference between the two being that (なに) is used with negative phrases (phrases that use ない or ありません), while (なに) is used in other cases.

To use this expression, we simply need to put (なに) or (なに) before the desired phrase.


There are several casual forms of these expressions that are used in speech, or in certain dialects. These forms are なんにか, なんか, or なんにも, なんも.




    Do you want to eat something?

    (わたし)なにか(いや) ことました

    Did I do something you didn't like?


    No, I didn't do anything (wrong).


    When you go to Japan, is there something that you want to eat?


    I studied diligently, but I don't understand anything.

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なにか・なにも – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (16 in total)

  • sunflowii


    " あのレストランの料理りょうりなに美味おいしくないでしょう。
    There is nothing good at that restaurant, right?"

    Why I find this confusing: なにも + 美味しくない seems to me that it’s “nothing not delicious” so anything delicious.
    I know that なにも is used with a phrase that is negative BUT なにも can be translated to both nothing and anything. So how do you know when it’s nothing and when it’s anything?

  • Tensor


    Why isn’t 「何かを食べる」 grammatical?

    It seems to me that 何か is the direct object of 食べる but it seems that this isn’t accepted by the grammar checker.

    I understand the idea that 「何もを食べない」definitely sounds and looks ungrammatical, but I’d rather have a more detailed explanation than through analogy with this form’s “negation.”

  • IcyIceBear


    Both も and か are particles here attached to 何, so if one looks wrong, so does the other. 何か isn’t one word, it’s 何+か to equal the idea of “something”. The particle を is dropped when these other particles are in use.

    You can probably find better explanations in the resource tab of the grammar point, or by doing an Internet search of why not to use を after 何か/何も. I don’t tend to get hung up on the why of these points, just that it isn’t really done and that’s enough for me, so I can’t tell you more. Welcome to the community

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