Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 1: 14/22

によるBy means of, According to, Depending on, Because of, Due to


Noun + によって
Noun + により


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About によって・による

によって, による, and により are all different versions of the same expression, that can basically be translated as 'according to (A)', or 'depending on (A)'. This uses the same よる as seen in the grammar pattern によると. They will be used in the following way:

によって - Generally used before a comma (although not always). Acts as the separation point between the (A) and (B) parts of a sentence. Made up of the case marking particle , and the う - Verb よる in its て form.

による - Generally used at the end of a sentence, to highlight that the previous statement depends on (A).

により - Almost always used before a comma. Acts as the separation point between the (A) and (B) parts of a sentence. Made up of the case marking particle , and the う - Verb よる in its conjunctive form.

To use any of these constructions, attach them to the end of a noun that you want to express as being the 'dependent' thing.


による may also sometimes be followed by a noun. In these cases, it will become a verb modified noun, and highlight that (B) resulted from (A).

Fun Fact

Although よる is almost always written in hiragana, there are several different kanji that use this reading. They all share similar meanings. Learn more about this in the によると grammar point.




    I will choose depending on the price of that car.


    There are a variety of traditions depending on the country.


    Through investigation, a new truth was discovered. (by means of)


    It depends on the person whether they like natto or not.


    Our decision was made through discussion, so don't complain.

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によって・による – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (12 in total)

  • mrnoone


    English translation:
    by means of, according to, depending on

    Noun + によって
    Noun + による

    View on Bunpro

  • Houndstooth


    Got this URL instead of a hint when I was off, just thought you should know!

  • mrnoone


    Thanks for notifying us!


  • Houndstooth


    Reported this as well, but just wanted to show the issue here. This grammar point just really doesn’t like me I guess

  • mrnoone


    Should be fixed now

  • Johnathan-Weir


    When によって is used as “through” and the like is it any different from using で? 例えば、



    My guess based on the reading is the によって sentences sounds like a natural disaster or accident while the で sounds more like a crime occurred.

    So if によって makes the means more passive; then in case like where I was part of a discussion using 話し合いによって sort of separates me from the decision whereas using 話し合いで would sound like I was taking more responsibility?

  • Pep95


  • opgjoh


    @Pep95 Regarding the second question, that’s its own grammar point on BunPro, and means “depends on”:

    (I kind of read it as “… depending on X, it differs” (違う means “to differ”) which seems Japanese-y in that its a bit of a roundabout, softened way of saying things :))

    As for the first one, where you’ve linked my post, here’s an interesting reply from that thread:

  • Ambo100


  • Pushindawood


    @Ambo100 Thank you for the share! I have added this video to the links under Readings. Cheers!

  • Melanthe


    I believe Shin Kanzen Master presents this grammar point as three distinct usages:

  • Rage0441


    in 中級へ行こう I

  • Daru


    Rather than an exclusion or new use, it’s really just a use of the grammar point.

    “It was made by the means of” becomes the basic meaning!

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