Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 2: 14/24

(わた)ってAcross, Throughout, Extends, Over (a period of time or range)


Noun + にわたっ(1)
Noun + にわたる(2) + Noun

(1) にわた
(2) にわたった


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About にわたって

Partnered with the case marking particle に, the う-Verb (わた)る 'to cross' in its て-form highlights a span of something in regard to breadth, size, or time. This structure is often translated as either 'across (A)', 'throughout (A)', 'extending through (A)', or 'over the period of (A)'.

Like other verb structures that pair with nouns, the standard form may also be used when paired with a second noun, in order to modify that noun.

Coming from the meaning of (わた)る 'to cross', this grammar pattern always expresses that something is either happening or exists 'all across (A)', or 'from the start to the finish'. Additionally, (わた)って is considered quite formal, so will often be seen in articles or on the news.


As (わた)る indicates a span of something that is being crossed, the 'span' must always be indicated clearly.




    The obsession over this car's details is impressive.


    The rain that continuously fell over three days has finally stopped.


    The principal's speech that took place over 40 minutes was boring.


    Unfortunately the service we have come to use over a long period of time will end.


    From today, I am going to make progress on the class theme that will take place over seven classes.

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にわたって – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (6 in total)

  • Pushindawood


    over (a period of time or range)


    • Noun + にわたって / にわたり
    • Noun + にわたる / にわたった + Noun

    [Used to express a range within which something took place. Used in formal writing and formal speech. Cannot be used if the span is not specified precisely (to morning, to evening, etc.)]

    View on Bunpro

  • ellie


    I just encountered this sentence:


    I’m quite confused however because にわたった is rejected by Bunpro for some reason. As far as I can tell in the structure explanation on Bunpro, it should be valid. Then again, going to the reading tab there is a link to JGram which doesn’t list にわたった at all. Is there an error here or is there something that I’m missing?

  • mrnoone


    Hey, and long time no see

    You are right! にわった is also a correct answer and it has been added!
    By the way, に続いた also fits

    Also, I am sorry for extremely slow answer

  • Redglare


    Just wanted to make sure I understand this right. And in case there’s anyone else that got confused by this sentence too

  • Pushindawood


    @Redglare Hey! This sentence is not necessarily about how にわって fits in the sentence, but how ので fits. ので always follows a verb in plain (ない・る・た) or ます (ません・ます・ました ) form. ので cannot be attached to a verb in て-form. Cheers!

  • Redglare


    I totally forgot about “final” form before ので. Thank you for clearing that up! ^u^/

  • Redglare


    Can you guys believe it, I got this exact sentence wrong again… smh

    This sentence is going to haunt me forever, ghost review or not.

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