Noun + にそって
Noun + にそった(1) + Noun
(1) にそう
About に沿って
When used with the case marking particle に, the う-Verb 沿う 'to run alongside' in its て-form expresses that something is going 'along with (A)', 'in accordance with (A)', or 'in line with (A)'. This is primarily in relation to laws, conventions, traditions, needs, and other things which are not usually deviated away from. The nuance with this particular grammar structure is that (A) is the controlling factor, and (B) is being done with that in consideration.
に沿って may also appear with the verb in its standard form when paired with a second noun, in order to modify that noun.
As the base meaning of 沿う is 'to follow along', it will also regularly be seen in relation to going along some specific path or street.
While this grammar structure is relatively formal, when literally meaning 'alongside', it will be used fairly frequently.
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I will continue operations in line with the schedule.
Please lead the meeting in accordance with the script.
I want you to stop making marks along the carpet.
Please continue the check in accordance with the presented materials.
'If you go along the street, the supermarket will eventually come into view'.
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