Noun + に則って(1)
Noun (A) + に則った(2) + Noun (B)
About に則って・に則り
に則って is a formal expression used when something is being done 'according to (A)', or 'in line with (A)'. This is usually some basis, foundation, or standard which has a long running history. The case-marking particle に is being combined with the て-form of the う-Verb 則る 'to follow along with' in this grammar pattern. Based on this, the literal meaning is just that (B) is something that follows along with (A).
While several forms may be seen, the most common are a noun followed by にのっとって, or a noun followed by にのっとった which will then modify a second noun.
Both the kanji form and the plain hiragana form are quite common, so it will be helpful to remember both.
As (A) is generally considered to be something that has some kind of foundation. It will mostly represent a thing that has some kind of inception point from which point little, if anything, changed. Some examples are laws, traditions, standards, codes of conduct, etc.
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All criminals should be tried in accordance with the law.
In accordance with tradition, the wedding ceremony was conducted in traditional Japanese attire.
If everything is always done in accordance with the initial steps, a reformation cannot happen.
Isn’t conducting everything based on the old way something that we should stop already?
The staff member was fired, having broken a regulation in line with the precedence.
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に則って・に則り – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (3 in total)
according to
in accordance with
based on
in line withStructure
- Noun + に則って/に則り
- Noun1 + に則った/に則って + の + Noun2
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I really struggle to intuit when to use this grammar point over に即して (and also with に沿って、but that seems to be less formal, so I can generally figure it out).
Is there something I’m missing between these two points that differentiates them from each other? They both seem to be used in almost exactly the same way.
I confuse these grammar points so often, it’d be helpful if there was some sort of hint to help understand why they’re not interchangeable.
You can think of に則って and に則して as synonyms. に沿って is a bit more general expression and can be used where に則って and に則して are used, but it is not always other way around.
There are many trees along the river.
I will make sure to add some notifications in those grammar points!Cheers!
I see, thank you!
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