Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 7: 12/21

()たるCorrespond to, Amounts to, Equals to, Is appropriate


Noun + ()たる
Noun + ()たる + Noun


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About に当たる

As mentioned in our ()たり lesson, ()たる often has a meaning that is similar to に(たい)して 'to be in regard to'. Due to this, when combined with the case marking particle , ()たる will be translated as 'to correspond to', 'to amount to', 'to be appropriate for', or 'to be in regard to'. These may seem quite different, but we will examine the similarities shortly.

To use ()たる, attach it to the end of an (A) noun that you would like to mark as being the 'point of reference'. (B) may come directly after ()たる, or earlier in the sentence, so long as it is clearly separated from (A).

As for the link between に(たい)して and ()たる, it is as follows. In に(たい)して, (A) and (B) exist simultaneously, but (B) opposes something about (A). In ()たる, (A) and (B) exist simultaneously, but (B) matches something about (A). Due to this, unless the speaker is specifically trying to highlight something that is 'opposing', or 'matching', the base meaning of '(A) and (B) existing simultaneously' may be the standard translation.




    I call him 'uncle,' but in reality, he is my cousin.


    The city called 'Edo' corresponds to present-day Tokyo.


    Her eldest son, Ringopan, also corresponds to the father of Pamu.


    The word corresponding to 'chikatetsu' is 'underground' in the United Kingdom, and 'subway' in the United States.

    ドイツでは日本(にほん)首相(しゅしょう)()たる役職(やくしょく)を「Bundeskanzler 」と()んでいる。

    In Germany, the position corresponding to the Japanese prime minister is called 'Bundeskanzler'.

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      に当たる – Grammar Discussion