Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 4: 6/18


When, When doing something, On the occasion, At the time


Verb[る]+ あたり(1)
Noun + にあたり(1)



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About にあたり・にあたって

()たり or ()たって is a formal grammar pattern in Japanese used to convey the meaning of 'at the time of (A)', 'when doing (A)', or 'on the occasion of (A)'. Like (さい)して 'on the occasion of (A)', it will often be used in regard to preparation for future events. This structure is a combination of に, and the う-Verb ()たる 'to hit', or 'to come into contact' in either its formal-conjunctive form or て-form.
()たり will appear following verbs in their dictionary form, or nouns. There are two primary nuances that this structure will be used for, so let's look at a few examples of each.
The first is when (A) is some sort of special occasion or condition from which (B) will be done.
  • 就活(しゅうかつ)(はじ)める()たり(あたら)しいスーツを()った。
    On the occasion of starting my job search, I bought a new suit.
  • 卒業(そつぎょう)にあたって、みんなで卒業(そつぎょう)旅行(りょこう)として韓国(かんこく)()った。
    On the occasion of my graduation, we all went to Korea as a graduation trip.
The second is when (A) is some sort of goal or target for which (B) will be the means or measures in response to that goal.
  • 転職(てんしょく)をする()たり、インターネットで自分(じぶん)()った会社(かいしゃ)(さが)すことにした。
    At the time of changing jobs, I looked for a company that would suit me well on the internet.
  • (あたら)しいお(みせ)開店(かいてん)にあたって、オープニングスタッフを募集(ぼしゅう)しました。
    We recruited opening staff at the time of opening a new restaurant.
Caution - Unlike (さい)して, which can be used for either positive or negative situations, ()たり will primarily only be used for positive or neutral situations.
  • (はは)葬式(そうしき)(さい)して必要(ひつよう)書類(しょるい)準備(じゅんび)した。
    I gathered all the necessary documents at the time of my mother's funeral. (Natural Japanese)
  • (はは)葬式(そうしき)()たって必要(ひつよう)書類(しょるい)準備(じゅんび)した。
    I gathered all the necessary documents at the time of my mother's funeral. (Unnatural Japanese)




    Be sure to wear safety glasses when testing the laser. (on the occasion of)


    Let me say a few words of farewell on the occasion of the section manager's retirement.


    Be sure to bring headshots at the time of passport application.


    On the occasion of carving a sculpture, I bought a new chisel.


    At the time of dating him, I suggested several conditions.

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にあたり・にあたって – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (4 in total)

  • mrnoone


    You can attach につき to the noun only, so for it to be correct the sentence should be like this:


    On the other hand, にあたり can be attached to a verb without any issue.


  • megatron0000


    Wow, I totally missed that! Would it be okay to nominalize the phrase, as in 予約を取り消すことにつき[•••] ?

  • mrnoone


    From the grammar perspective it is natural, but it is a bit too lenghty.

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