Grammar Info

N5 Lesson 1: 8/12

Indicates possession

(A) の (B) = (B) belongs to, or is a quality of (A)


Noun (A) + + Noun (B)


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  • Word Type

    Case Marking Particle

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About の

From the perspective of English, has several different meanings. It can indicate possession, like putting (A)'s on the end of a word. In Japanese, however, the meaning is a bit broader, and shows that (B) is an attribute/possession of (A).

In the first sentence, we can see that is showing ownership, however in the second sentence, it is simply showing a relationship between (A) and (B).

is also often used in the same way as , to highlight the subject of a statement. Our lesson for will be covered separately.

Both of these examples are slightly advanced and use adjectives, but don't worry, we will be covering them next!


is usually used after nouns, but can also be used after other types of words, specifically when it is transforming them into a noun-like phrase. This is called nominalization in English. We will cover this in detail in the の - Nominalization grammar point.




    That over there is my pen.


    This is also my pen.


    This is my cat.


    (It) is the teacher's umbrella.


    Your name is?

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      の – Grammar Discussion