Verb[た]+ ばかりに
[い]Adjective + ばかりに
[な]Adjective + な(1) + ばかりに
Noun + な(1) + ばかりに
(1) である
About ばかりに
When paired with the case marking particle に, ばかり regularly conveys the meaning of 'simply because', or 'just because'. Literally, this expression means that 'even with just (A), (B) is/was able to occur'. This phrase is regularly paired with the past form of verbs, indicating that something that has already taken place, led to some other result.
To use ばかりに, simply attach the expression to the end of any word in its attributive form.
It should be noted that this particular grammar pattern has a strong tendency to be used with results that are negative. However, this is not a requirement. A high level of eagerness/enthusiasm can also be expressed when paired with grammar points like たい, or ほしい.
Fun Fact
As we mention in our ばかり grammar point, one of the more common kanji that ばかり stems from is '許', which means to be 'let off' or 'let through'. It implies a minimum amount of something that is then deemed as 'permissible'. This nuance is kept in ばかりに, as the (A) part of the sentence is being highlighted as that minimum extent of something for which the (often surprising) result of (B) is/was possible. Due to this, translations such as 'even with only/just (A), (B)' are quite similar to ばかりに, so long as it is clear that (A) is surprising.
Fun Fact
The kanji that is used most frequently for ばかり is the same kanji that is used for 許す 'to forgive'. In this particular use of 許, it still means 'to let off', or 'to let through', as 'to forgive' quite often has the nuance of letting something through/pass/slide.
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Simply because I have forgotten my wallet, I couldn't buy a bento.
He passed out simply because he got surprised.
Simply because I wanted to see my significant other, I traveled all the way to Indonesia.
Just because they didn't have a good leader, the team lost the match.
Just because of negligence in inspections, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge crumbled.
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Expressing something done in the past that incurs a bad result
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