Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 2: 19/24

()Due to, On account of, Each or every


Noun + つき


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About につき

Although rarely seen in its kanji form, につき is a grammar pattern that comes from a combination of に and the conjunctive form of the う- Verb ()く 'to take up (A)', or 'to assume (A)'. This meaning is usually in regard to assuming a new position, such as a new job.

However, the particular meaning conveyed here will be closer to 'due to (A), (B)', 'on account of (A), (B)', or 'for each (A), (B)'. につき will follow nouns directly, before the (B) part of the sentence describes what is happening 'due to' or 'on account of (A)'.

This grammar point is quite formal, so it is often seen in formal documents, announcements, and notifications.

Regardless of the several common English translations, the base meaning of 'to affix to (A)' is kept in all of the uses of につき, as it simply implies that (B) is in answer to, exists in a way that is directly linked to, suitable for, or caused by (A).




    Due to construction, please take a detour.


    On account of opening a new shop, we are hiring clerks.


    Right now, you get five points for each 100 yen you spend.


    On account of tomorrow's festival, the company will be closed.


    Due to this being private land, it is prohibited to cut through here.

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      につき – Grammar Discussion

      Most Recent Replies (1 in total)

      • Pushindawood


        due to
        on account of


        • Noun + につき

        [Often used in formal/written announcements, notifications, documents, etc.]

        View on Bunpro

      • megatron0000


        Why doesn’t this work here ?

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