Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 7: 7/17

べからずDo not, Must not, Should not, Cannot (べからざる)


Verb + べから
する(1) + べから

Verb + べからざる + Noun
which is generally limited to:
(ゆる)べからざる + Noun
ありうべからざる + Noun
()べからざる + Noun

(1) する


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About べからず

べからず, and べからざる are two formal expressions used to convey the meaning of 'must not (A)', or 'ought not to (A)'. It is a combination of the helper-conjugation form of the auxiliary verb べし, べから, and the classical auxiliary verb ず 'not'. ざる itself is just the helper-conjugation form of ず, meaning that the nuance remains exactly the same. In this way, we can see that the literal meaning of 'ought not (A)' exhibits some sort of moral or logical obligation, as is true for all uses of べき derived patterns.

べからず and べからざる will be seen following verbs in their dictionary forms. べからざる will be followed by a noun, indicating that the noun is being modified by the phrase.

In modern Japanese, the meanings of both of these grammar patterns have shifted slightly from 'obligation', to simply having a strong nuance of 'don't (A)'. In addition to this, they will almost only ever be used on signs or notices.


The べからざる form that combines with nouns is usually only seen in a few set variations. These are (ゆる)べからざる 'cannot be forgiven', ありうべからざる 'must not exist' (impossible), and ()べからざる 'must not be without'.




    Air is essential to life. (Must not lack air)


    Those who are not sufficiently earning should not eat treated food.


      Do not feed the koi in the pond! They will multiply too much!


        A signboard at the park: 'Do not dump rubbish on the lawn'


        Blog post: 'Dos and Don'ts for writing a formal letter in English skillfully.'

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          べからず – Grammar Discussion

          Most Recent Replies (2 in total)

          • Jake


            do not
            must not
            should not
            cannot (べからざる)


            • Verb + べからず

            View on Bunpro

          • darkhelmet


            I found that this grammar point was referenced in Dictionary of Advanced Japanese Grammar p. 29, instead of Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar p. 29.

          • mrnoone


            Thank you for the feedback!

            I have fixed the error, Cheers!

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