他 + の + Noun
(その(1)) + 他 + にも(2)
Noun + の + 他 + にも(2)
Verb + 他 + にも(2)
(その(1)) + 他 + には(3) + Phrase[ない]
Noun + の + 他 + には(3) + Phrase[ない]
Verb + 他 + には(3) + Phrase[ない]
(1) この
(2) に、も、は、には
(3) に、は
About ほかに(も)・ほか(に)は
他に is regularly considered to be one of the more difficult structures to master in Japanese, so let's take a thorough look at it. Basically, 他 by itself just means 'another', or 'other'. に highlights 他 'another thing' as being the target of what comes next in any particular sentence. The possibilities are as follows:
他に - Another thing.
他に(も) - Even another thing (sounds less certain).
他に(は) - Was there another thing (focuses on something pre-existing, which someone may have forgotten).
他に(は) may be used in either positive or negative sentences, but it tends to appear in negative sentences more often.
Because 他に(も) focuses on the 'addition' of another thing, it cannot be used in negative sentences (with the exception of questions).
The reason this is acceptable in questions, but not statements, is due to the 'isn't it?' meaning that negative questions can have in Japanese (just like English). It is the equivalent of the following:
この他にもない - In addition to this, there is also nothing (sounds strange in English!)
その他にもないか - In addition to that, is there nothing else? (sounds normal in English!)
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Anything else?
No, I don't need anything else.
Have you ever been to any other countries?
I wonder if there is no other way. (another)
I can't use anything but these chopsticks. (other than)
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