Verb[た]+ ら
[い]Adjective[た]+ ら
[な]Adjective + だった + ら
Noun + だった + ら
About たら
The conjunction particle たら is used as a kind of 'halfway point' between 'if' and 'when' in Japanese. It expresses the completion of an (A) action, and then a (B) action that is considered to be the result of (A). It may be hypothetical, or it may be presenting a one-time result of something that happened in the past.
To use たら, it will replace た in the simple past form of verbs, い-Adjectives, な-Adjectives, and nouns.
Despite appearing to be the past form of the word that it is attached to, たら itself does not actually carry the nuance of 'past'. Other words in the sentence will need to be examined to see whether たら is truly highlighting something from the past, or simply the completion of something (which may or may not happen in the future).
Fun Fact
Although たら is regularly used to mean 'if', it almost always has a nuance of 'when'. This is due to たら specifically highlighting the following situations:
Completion: 完了 - Completion of (A).
Materialization: 成立 - Coming to fruition of (A).
These meanings are opposed to other 'if' structures like ば, and なら, which focus far more strongly on the hypothetical 'if' meaning.
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When you study, the test will become easy. (if・from when)
Please let me know when the tea is weak. (if・just when)
If/when you want to go out to eat, let's go! (from when)
If/when it is the weekend, I have time. (from when・just when)
If it is spicy, please drink some milk. (from when・just when)
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〜たら as "from when/just when"
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"IF" / "WHEN" (と vs たら vs とき) Differences ┃PART1 & 2
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Conditional : 〜たら
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