Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 6: 11/17

もさることながらIt is a fact that, But, Even more than, It goes without saying, Not only but also,


Noun + さることながら


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About もさることながら

もさることながら is a construction in Japanese that is often translated as 'it goes without saying that (A), but (B)', or 'not only (A), but (B) too'. This expression is a combination of the adverbial particle も, the pre-noun adjectival さる 'particular', or 'certain', the noun (こと) 'thing', and the conjunction particle ながら 'while'. Due to this, the more literal translation is simply 'while (A) is also of particular merit, (B)'. This literal translation will be helpful to remember, as もさることながら will always present (A) as important, but (B) as even more important than that.

もさることながら will be attached to the end of nouns and noun phrases.

As (B) is being emphasized in sentences that use this grammar structure, it is common to see other expressions of emphasis combined with もさることながら. Some examples include さらに 'additionally', なにより 'more than anything', and 以上(いじょう) 'above that'.




    It is a fact that Mona Lisa is a beautiful painting, but it is the mysterious smile that attracts the attention after all.


    It goes without saying that it is my usual intention, but today luck was on my side.


    Even more than his appearance, it is only natural that he would be popular with his fantastic personality.


      Even more than the lyrics, since the melody is good too, this song is really the best.


        While it is a fact that the food is delicious, since the look of this French restaurant is awesome too, it’s super popular.

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            もさることながら – Grammar Discussion

            Most Recent Replies (1 in total)

            • Jake


              kind of, might, slightly, it’s not (impossible) that, somewhat, in some respects


              • Verb[ない] + ( もの ) + でも/では + ない

              View on Bunpro

            • casual


              ないでもない and なくもない are completely interchangeable

              Is this also interchangeable with なくはない なくはない (JLPT N2) | Bunpro or is there a difference?

              Also, shouldn’t なくもない be accepted as yellow hint if it’s interchangeable.

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