Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 7: 4/21

(もっと)Although, But, However, For all that, Provided that


Phrase (A)。もっとも + Phrase (B)。


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About もっとも

もっとも, sometimes also seen as (もっと)も, is a conjunction that is used to clarify when (A) is not the only important thing to be considered. This expression is usually translated as 'although'. However, 'for all that', or 'with that said' are also accurate translations, depending on the context. Let's look at a few examples.

Due to もっとも offering clarification about something, the (B) phrase will often end with が, けど, けれども, and other similar expressions.

When もっとも is used, the speaker is agreeing that (A) is true, but not the whole picture. As a noun itself, (もっと)も can be described as 道理に(かな)う, which means 'to stand to reason'. This nuance is kept, and may also be used as an accurate translation for もっとも as a conjunction.




    I can speak Japanese. But only a bit.


    Most people like ramen. But, there are exceptions.


    This is a great question. However, I am not able to fully explain it.


    You are right! My favorite one is ramen. But it doesn't mean I can always eat it.


    Finally, I have found a job. But now I don't have time for myself.

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      もっとも – Grammar Discussion