Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 1: 16/17


To be forced to do something

Similar to 「~する他仕方がない」and「~するしかない」


Noun + 余儀(よぎ)なくされる


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About を余儀なくされる

余儀(よぎ)なくされる is a formal grammar pattern in Japanese that is usually translated as 'to be forced to (A)'. Its component parts are the adverbial particle を, the noun 余儀(よぎ) 'another method', the conjunctive form of the い-Adjective ない, なく, and the passive form of する, される. In this way, it literally means 'to not be given another way than to (A)'.
余儀(よぎ)なくされる will be seen following an (A) noun, where (A) is the thing that is unavoidable.
  • パーク(ない)での迷惑(めいわく)行為(こうい)悪化(あっか)(はじ)めたため、人気(にんき)撮影(さつえい)スポットの封鎖(ふうさ)余儀(よぎ)なくされた
    Due to the worsening nuisance caused by guests in the park, they were forced to close off the popular photo spot.
  • 飲食店(いんしょくてん)はコロナの影響(えいきょう)で、営業(えいぎょう)自粛(じしゅく)余儀(よぎ)なくされた
    Restaurants were forced to refrain from continuing business due to Covid.
  • 最近(さいきん)(おお)きな地震(じしん)があったため、この地域(ちいき)(ひと)たちは避難所(ひなんじょ)での生活(せいかつ)余儀(よぎ)なくされた
    Due to a recent major earthquake, people in the area were forced to live in shelters.
In most cases, the subject of sentences that use 余儀(よぎ)なくされる will be a person, or something that is representative of people, such as a company. However, there are exceptions to this.
Both 余儀(よぎ)なくされる 'to be forced to do' and 余儀(よぎ)なくさせる 'to force to do' are variations of the same grammar structure. 余儀(よぎ)なくさせる will be taught in a different lesson.
Fun Fact
Despite 余儀(よぎ) and ない being separate words, 余儀(よぎ)なく is often thought of simply as a single word that means 'unavoidably', or 'inevitably'.




    Due to the economic downturn, the company has been forced to close down.


    Because of the approaching tsunami, outdoor concerts were forced to be canceled.


    If the number of students decreases due to declining birth rates, many schools will be forced to close down.


    In May 20XX, the plane that was forced to make an emergency landing due to a failure of the landing gear returned to flying operations.
    (no choice but to...)


    Prime Minister Negishi resisted in the beginning. But in the end, he was forced to resign by mass protests anyway a few days later.
    (against his will)

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