Noun + しか + Verb[ない]
About しか~ない
The adverbial particle しか is often compared to だけ, in that it also expresses 'only'. However, unlike だけ, しか can only be used in negative statements. Due to this, しか~ない is regularly translated as 'there's only (A)', or 'there's nothing but (A)'. しか~ない may be used to express numbers, or nouns. In this lesson we will examine nouns.
Like しか~ない, the construction used for expressing numbers, when used before a noun, this expression will mean that nothing apart from that one 'thing' exists. Any verb may be used after しか, but it must be in its ない (or ありません) form.
When しかない directly follows a verb, the translation is a little bit different, and means that 'nothing apart from (A) can be done'. This is a separate grammar point that we will study a bit later.
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There is nowhere else to sit but here.
Because it is far away, you can only go by car.
It is difficult to talk to people who only respond with 'yes' and 'no'.
I am sorry, but it looks like there is only space open in the afternoon.
There is nothing but milk in the fridge.
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How to use しか & だけ
[AIAIJ] An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese
Page 37
[DBJG] A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar
Page 398
Marugoto Elementary 2 (A2) Rikai
Page 91
Tae Kim's Japanese Grammar Guide
Page 247
みんなの日本語 II
Page 18 [CH 27]
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