Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 2: 4/17

皮切(かわき)りにBeginning of, Starting with


Noun + 皮切(かわき)りにして(1)
Verb[る](2) + + 皮切(かわき)りにして(1)

(1) 皮切(かわき)りとして
(2) Verb[た]


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About を皮切りに

皮切(かわき)りに is a grammar structure that will be utilized with nouns in order to show the starting point for something, from which it then expanded, or something kept happening after. In most cases, 皮切(かわき)りに will just be translated as 'starting with (A)', or 'beginning with (A)'.

This structure is a combination of the adverbial particle を, the noun 皮切(かわき)り 'beginning' or 'outset', and the case-marking particle に. It will appear after nouns or phrases that have been nominalized, before going on to explain how something continued to expand afterwards.

In place of に by itself, にして and として are also standard variations of the same grammar pattern.


It is rare for 皮切(かわき)りに to be used in relation to natural phenomena, or negative results. What happens as a result of (A) will usually be something positive, and have a specific 'doer'.

Fun Fact

Although 皮切(かわき)り is really only used to mean 'beginning', the kanji combination of 'to cut a hide' can be used as a helpful memory tool for the nuance of creating a starting point from which something expanded outwards over a large area, like skinning an animal.




    Starting with the shop relocation, sales are rapidly increasing.


    Starting with that, convenience stores started opening one after the other.


    Actor's biography: 'Starting with his appearance in Y-MEN he appeared in numerous performances.'


    Starting with Minagawa-san being chosen as our trainer, our team continued to be successful.


    'Starting with his leading role in Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio embarked on the road to stardom and has appeared in many hit movies.'

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