Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 5: 18/22

(はじ)Not only...but also..., Starting with


Noun + をはじめ(として)
Noun + をはじめとする + Noun


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About をはじめ

When presenting a topic in Japanese as a 'starting point', (はじ) will often be used to show any logic (or planned) progressions from that point. This is often translated as 'not only (A), but (B)', or 'starting with (A), (B)'.

To use (はじ), one noun will be highlighted as the starting point, before another (or several others) will appear in part (B) of the sentence.

Due to sentences featuring をはじめ placing emphasis on (A) as a starting point, additional expressions such as として (or とする) will sometimes be paired with it. These structures function to further emphasize (A), and are similar to 'with (A) as the starting point, (B)'.




    Starting with a suit, I also upgraded my shirts and shoes.


    Starting with short novels, I read all kinds of books.


    Starting with dogs, I have come to raise various animals.


    I am going on a countrywide tour starting in Tokyo.


    Starting in Europe, I want to travel the world.

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をはじめ – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (4 in total)

  • mrnoone


    English translation:
    not only…but also…
    starting with

    Noun + をはじめ(として)
    Noun1 + をはじめとする + Noun2

    View on Bunpro

  • conan


    Would like to eventually see a broader set of sentences/translations. Almost all of Bunpro’s say “starting with” but this can mean things like “not to mention”, and y’all also have “not only but also” listed but never used.

  • eefara


    I found this example sentence with the “not only but also” meaning:
    Could be they snuck it in afterwards.

    Related to this, are there any cues showing which meaning をはじめ is giving to the sentence? Devoid of context, is there any way to tell? For example, the example sentence
    feels like it could go either way, “starting with” or “not only but also”.
    Or this sentence:

  • Daru


    Basically its all going to be computer-related machines! Remember that をはじめ establishes the subject and keeps building on that.

  • Madsgeltingbech


    I got this sentence incorrect for typing はもちろん instead of をはじめ.

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