おおきい, おいしい, はやい
Part of Speech
Word Type
Independent Word
About い-Adjectives
In Japanese, い-Adjectives are known as 'form containing words', and are used to describe nouns. All い-Adjectives end in い in their base form.
As mentioned, all い-Adjectives end in い in their base form. However, not all words ending in い are い-Adjectives. Let's take a look at some of the words that are commonly mistaken for い-Adjectives.
In addition to きらい above, there is also きれい. きれい actually comes from the kanji structure 綺麗, with い being part of the kanji itself. This is never the case with い-Adjectives, where the い will always be outside of the kanji. Due to the kanji for 綺麗 being somewhat difficult, this word is often written in hiragana or katakana, which leads to confusion for learners. Unfortunately there is no rule for distinguishing which words ending in い are not い-Adjectives, but thankfully, there are not very many of them, so it won't be long before you become familiar with them.
Unlike な-Adjectives, い-Adjectives must never be followed by だ. This is due to だ only being able to conjugate with nouns (which な-Adjectives originally are). Instead, です is used with い-Adjectives to make them sound more polite.
Fun Fact
Although using です with い-Adjectives is very common, it is actually incorrect Japanese. As です is simply a polite variation of だ, it follows all of the same conjugation rules as だ. This means that it should only be attached to nouns and な-Adjectives. However, as most Japanese natives do not know this rule, it is widely considered natural to use.
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List of N5 いAdjectives
The i-adjective
Tae Kim
The origin of いadjectives
い and な Adjectives
Japanese Ammo
[DBJG] A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar
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Genki I
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Genki I 2nd Edition
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Tae Kim's Japanese Grammar Guide
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みんなの日本語 I
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い-Adjectives – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (40 in total)
Anyone else hear “ち” instead of “き” when listening to “水はきれい” ?
Nope, it’s a pretty clear き. I think it’s just a matter of listening exposure. Sounds will become more distinct as you grow and give your ears time to train
Welcome to the community
Thank you for the response, sounds like i just need to give it more time then ahah.
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