
N3 レッスン 6: 19/24

たとえ〜てもEven if…is the case, Supposing that

Sometimes seen as「たとい」


たとえ + Verb[ても]
たとえ + [い]Adjective[ても]
たとえ + [な]Adjective + でも
たとえ + Noun + でも


  • 使用域


  • あまり見かけない漢字



たとえ, coming from 仮令(たとえ), an adverb meaning 'supposing that', is a word in Japanese that is often used with ても (or でも), in order to present possible circumstances, and their contradictory and/or (usually) undesirable outcomes. たとえ is primarily seen at the beginning of a sentence, before some kind of possibility, comparison, or supposition will be stated.

たとえ tends to be used to present situations where 'even if (A) were true, (B) still may/may not happen'. This is called a 'contrastive' example. もし on the other hand tends to be used for examples in which (A) will directly result in (B). This is called a 'resultative' example.




    Even if it doesn't snow, I'm going snowboarding.


    I want to do the right thing, even if they laugh at me.


    Even if (I am) reprimanded, there are things that are non-negotiable.


    Even if you don't go, I will.


    There are times when you cannot laugh, even if you are happy.

  • ご登録いただくと、より多くの例文にアクセスできます。





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      最近の返信 (合計10件)

      • Clornhole


        Alright, that makes sense. I had forgotten it before my original reply, but I had the same confusion with もし too, so I’m glad you included it in your reply.
        I think it might help me out–with my English-orientated brain–to mentally add parentheses around the たとえ, sort of like one does for English phrases like “for instance”, “case in point”, “for example”, or many sentence opening adverbs like “additionally”.
        I really appreciate the effort you put into your reply; it’s been a great help!

      • Buby690


        Please does that mean with にしても, he is most likely to gain weight but with たとえーでも he is unlikely to gain weight

      • djp



        I’m posting in regard to the たとえ〜ても grammar point. When I read this sentence I want to interpret this as “Even if you are busy you must properly fulfill/meet your responsibilities” but the bunpro translation is " Even if** you are busy, you will get in trouble if you don’t fulfill your responsibilities."

        There are a lot of sentences I come across like this where I don’t know if there is a cultural context at play. In this sentence where does the “you’ll be in trouble if you don’t” meaning come from? Sure, if you must do something I suppose you’ll be in trouble for not doing it but that’s reading extra into the sentence (in my opinion). I could see that being a proper translation if there were extra context but it seems like a leap.

        As I’ve progressed through bunpro I’ve mostly considered things like this as a misunderstanding on my part but when I’ve used grammar points properly according to bunpro ( the ご覧 points as an example) I...

      「たとえ〜ても」について質問がありますか? 話し合ったり、質問をしてみんなで学びましょう!
