Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 5: 9/18

()()Lead to, Because of, As a start or trigger of, An opportunity


Verb + (1) + きっかけ + に(2)
Noun + きっかけ + に(2)

Verb + (1) + きっかけ + で(3)
Noun + きっかけ + で(3)
Verb + きっかけ + をPhrase(4)

(1) こと
(2) にして、として
(3) になって、となって
(4) はなんだ、になる、となる、である


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About きっかけ

きっかけ 'chance', or ()()け in its kanji form is a noun in Japanese that expresses when the trigger of (A) led to (B). It is often translated simply as 'because of (A), (B)', 'with (A) as a trigger, (B)', or 'with the opportunity of (A), (B)'.

きっかけ primarily appears in two different forms. (A) をきっかけに (B), or (A) がきっかけで (B). This grammar pattern may be seen either with verbs in their past-tense form or nouns. However, in the case of appearing after verbs, it will often be preceded by の or some other nominalizing structure like こと.

In many cases, the trigger of (A) will have the effect of instigating a rather large change or new beginning.

Caution - きっかけ will not be used when the causal relationship between (A) and (B) is plainly obvious, due to what would be expected or easy to anticipate result.

  • ()から()ちたのをきっかけに両腕(りょううで)骨折(こっせつ)した。
    As a result of falling from a tree, I broke both of my arms.

Because of this, it can be thought that きっかけ is almost always referring to the opportunity of (B) appearing because of (A), with some external choice being made, or action being taken on that occasion.




    The opposing team's mistake triggered the turnaround and we won.


    Being bitten by a spider has led him to become a superhero.


    The popularization of bicycles in the Netherlands was triggered by the oil crisis.


    My mother used to be a smoker, but gifting her an e-cigarette led to her stopping.


    With the incident in Sarajevo as a trigger, a war that lasted from 1914 to 1918 broke out and was later called a world war.

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きっかけ – Grammar Discussion

Most Recent Replies (3 in total)

  • Litharrale


    Since it can attach to nouns with both が and を, what’s the difference between the two? Some answers only accept one or the other

  • nekoyama


    I think the legend is wrong; it should show the same difference as it shows for verbs.

    The difference is just grammatical. With を you’re taking something as the きっかけ; with が you’re saying that something is the きっかけ. Like any other noun.

  • mrnoone


    @nekoyama is right, there was an error in the structure section it should be like this (fixed, thank you for the feedback!):

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