Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 4: 7/18

契機(けいき)Lead to, As a good opportunity to, As a result of, As a trigger


Noun + 契機(けいき) + (1)
Verb + (2) + 契機(けいき) + (1)

(1) にして、として
(2) こと


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About を契機に

契機(けいき) is a grammar construction made up of を, the noun 契機(けいき) 'chance' or 'trigger' and に. It is a formal pattern that is used to indicate some sort of trigger and may be translated '(A) led to (B)', 'as an opportunity to (A), (B)', or 'as a result of (A), (B)'. (A) may either be a positive or negative event, but will usually be something extremely big in terms of life, or current/historical events in the world.

契機(けいき) will be seen after nouns, or verbs that have been nominalized with either の or こと.

Alternatively, にして or として may replace に without any change in the overall meaning.


Unlike をきっかけに, 契機(けいき) will almost exclusively be used in relation to some turning point or critical juncture. Due to this, it can sound quite unnatural when used to express a trigger that would not be considered a big event.




    As a result of my children becoming independent, I decided to remodel the house.


    The television coverage triggered the acceleration of popularity (for the restaurant).


    As a result of my change in occupation, I was able to regain my composure.


    He, who was so quiet, has, as a result of moving, become quite talkative.


    Digging up the hot spring led to me becoming very rich.

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      を契機に – Grammar Discussion

      Most Recent Replies (3 in total)

      • Pushindawood


        lead to
        as a good opportunity to
        as a result of
        as a trigger


        • Noun + を契機に / を契機に して / を契機 として
        • Verb + の / こと + を契機に / を契機に して / を契機 として

        [Used to express a trigger that leads to something IMPORTANT changing or beginning・Very formal・Often used in conjunction with important events in life or in history]

        View on Bunpro

      • Hadros232232


        What is the difference between を契機に and をきっかけ?

      • wrt7MameLZE33wlmpCAV


        The details for this grammar point indicate it can be written ~にして・として, but none of the examples show this usage and both are simply marked wrong. Under what circumstances are these variations used?

      • Fuga


        Hey @Hadros232232 !

        を契機に is usually used in writing, or when the speaker is talking about social issues or historical topics, but きっかけに is usually used when talking about yourself.

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