Grammar Info

N2 Lesson 2: 18/24


As, Due, Along with, Hand-in-hand with, Resulted in, Be consequent upon


Verb[る]+()+ (ともな)(1)
Verb[る]+()+ (ともな) + Noun
Noun + (ともな)(1)
Noun + (ともな) + Noun



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About に伴って・に伴い

When the う-Verb (ともな)う 'to accompany' in its て-form is used with に and attached to the end of nouns or verbs in their dictionary forms, it is regularly translated as 'due to (A), (B)', 'hand in hand with (A), (B)', or 'along with (A), (B)'. In all of these meanings, the base interpretation of 'to accompany' is being highlighted.
As 'accompanying' does not specifically indicate that (A) is controlling (B), this grammar structure may be used simply to indicate things that happen at the same time, rather than when something is being directly caused by the first. However, (A) having a strong influence on the change of (B) is usually implied.
(ともな) may also appear directly before another noun when it is being modified by the verb.
  • この(まち)人口(じんこう)減少(げんしょう)する(ともな)って()()増加(ぞうか)して()ました。
    As the population of this town has declined, the number of vacant houses has increased.
  • パソコンの初期化(しょきか)をするの(ともな)手順(てじゅん)取扱(とりあつかい)説明書(せつめいしょ)の51ページに記載(きさい)されています。
    The procedure associated with formatting the computer is described on page 51 of the instruction manual.
  • インターネットの普及(ふきゅう)(ともな)って、オンラインで()(もの)()ませる(ひと)()えた。
    With the spread of the Internet, more and more people are completing their purchases online.
  • 高速(こうそく)道路(どうろ)情報(じょうほう)サイト:リフレッシュ工事(こうじ)(ともな)車線(しゃせん)規制(きせい)のお()らせ。
    Highway information website: Notice of lane restriction due to road reconstruction.
(ともな)って is used both for events that are progressively changing at the same time, and momentary events that cause a sudden change.
  • 津波(つなみ)地震(じしん)(ともな)発生(はっせい)することが(おお)いが、火山(かざん)現象(げんしょう)(ともな)津波(つなみ)発生(はっせい)することも()るそうだ。
    Oftentimes, tsunami occur due to earthquakes, but apparently they can also occur due to volcanic phenomenon.
  • (とし)()(ともな)って物忘(ものわす)れが(ひど)くなってきてる(かん)じがする。
    I feel like I'm getting more forgetful as I get older.





    During the castle renovation, along with the floor repairs, the walls were also repainted.


    The Wright brothers succeeded in becoming the first in flight in 1903. This resulted in the birth of the modern aviation industry. (along with・consequent upon)


    In this game, as higher levels are reached, advanced magic will become available. (along with・consequent upon)


    Pain associated with burns is considered to be caused by nerve stimulation.


    Tomatoes were considered poisonous when introduced to Europe for the first time. As the years passed, the way of thinking about this vegetable has been changing. (along with・consequent upon)

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      に伴って・に伴い – Grammar Discussion

      Most Recent Replies (4 in total)

      • Fuga


        Hey @ArsDiaboli !

        We apologize for the late response.

        に伴って・に伴い・に伴う is usually used to express ‘As A changes, B also changes’, but it can also be used to express ‘A happens at the same time as B’.

        For example, 火傷に伴う痛みは神経への刺激が原因だとされている。Here, に伴う is used as ‘associated with’ because this sentence is describing how ‘a burn is painful because there is nerve stimulation going on at the same time.’

        We hope that answers your question!

      • Joellaumelb


        Hi @Fuga

        Hope you are well.

        Could you please clarify why this phrase uses a negative form of "に伴って”?

        As the value of the yen rises, the volume of export decreases. [along with・consequent upon]


      • Fuga


        Hey @Joellaumelb !

        に伴い is not the negative form of 伴って, but it is the conjunctive form of 伴う. 伴って is 伴い conjugated using the て-form.

        In most cases they can be used interchangeably.

        Hope that clears it up!

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