そんなに + Verb
そんなに + [い]Adjective
そんなに + [な]Adjective
About そんなに
そんなに, like そんな, is one of the most common ways to express that one thing is 'like' something else in casual conversation. The addition of the particle に just highlights そんな as being the 'destination' of the 'like' amount. This construction is regularly translated as 'so much', 'that much', or simply 'like that'.
As a word, そんなに is used adverbially. This means that it may come before any verb, い-Adjective, or な-Adjective.
Almost any そんなに based sentence can be translated literally as 'to an extent like (A)', where (A) is the word that comes after そんなに, and に indicates 'to'.
As そんなに is another example of こそあど言葉 (words like これ, それ, あれ, and どれ), it means that こんなに, あんなに, and どんなに may also be used.
Despite this, そんなに is almost considered a set phrase, and is therefore the most common out of all of the possibilities (except for どんなに, which is often used when explaining/giving reasons for something).
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Is this cake really that sweet?
If it hurts that much, shouldn't you go to the hospital?
Even if I tried that hard, I couldn't do it like he can. (that much)
If you hate swimming so much, why don't you just not swim? (that much)
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そんなに – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (7 in total)
so (much)
that much
like thatStructure
- そんなに + Verb
- そんなに + いAdj
- そんなに + なAdj
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I think the そんなに here is referring to the 多, rather than the 宿題.
If you have as much homework as that, …
Hey @Aythreuk (and really sorry for the late answer!)
Like @Pep95 (by the way, great answer!) says, it modifies 多かったら、I have added this piece of information to the nuance so that future learners won’t be troubled over it!
By the way, you can also use そんな, which would modify 宿題、but the meaning would be slightly different.
If you have that much homework, it would be better to start now.そんな宿題が多いのなら、今すぐはじめたほうがいい。
If you have a lot of such homework, it would be better to start now.(I think it sounds better with 多いのなら)
This view sentence has be confused:
If you want to go to Japan that much, why don’t you?The [~たら] at the very end I read as a conditional taught in
an earlier lesson. How is this interpreted as ‘why don’t you’?Pushindawood
@deltacat3 Hey! You have every right to be confused. This is actually the contracted たらどう from Lesson 9 (a later lesson). たらどう means “why don’t you…?” and is used for giving advice or suggesting something. We will get that sentence rewritten. I apologize for the confusion. Cheers!
Thanks a bunch for clearing this up <3
We have added information about this contraction in the たらどう grammar point, thank you for asking this question!
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