Verb[たら]+ どう + だ?
Verb[たら]+ どう + (か)?
Verb[たら] ?
About たらどう
When the conjunction particle たら is used before the adverb どう, it primarily presents a situation, then asks a question about it potentially happening. This construction can be translated as 'why don't you (A)?', or 'what if you did (A)?'. Realistically, it just means 'when (A), how about that?'. It is often used for giving advice.
To use this expression, convert the verb that you want to use into its たら form, and then add どう.
Sometimes たら is used by itself, with a tone that implies that it is a question (or simply by adding a question mark in written language). This is an abbreviation of たらどう, and carries the same nuance.
だ or か may be added to the end of たらどう, to emphasize the 'question' even further. However, they are not required.
Despite being used for giving advice, たらどう may be interpreted as criticism. Due to this, care will need to be taken with your tone of voice.
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Why don't you go to play in the park?
Why don't you go pick up that garbage over there?
Why don't you try dieting?
If you like him that much, why don't you go out with him?
If you feel lonely in Japan, why don't you go back to America?
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~たらどうですか Grammar Details
[DBJG] A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar
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Genki II 1st Edition
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Genki II 2nd Edition
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Tae Kim's Japanese Grammar Guide
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たらどう – Grammar Discussion
Most Recent Replies (16 in total)
why don’t you
Verb[ た・ら ] + どう・です・か
Verb[ た・ら ] + どうだ ?
Verb[ た・ら ] + どう ?
Verb[ た・ら ] ?[suggestion/advice, can be used to indirectly criticize someone(or can be interpreted as criticism, even if there is no such intention!) for not already taking suggested action, less direct than Verb[ば]+いい]
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If I understand correctly, this literally translates to “what if you did ___?”, which retains the meaning of giving advice and potential criticism, but is much easier to connect.
Yes, it is very good English approximation
I see the following constructions listed:
〜たら?Why isn’t 〜たらどうだ? among them?
Hey and thanks for the suggestion!
It has been added to the grammar point and alternative answers!Cheers!
Can this construction be used with the えば conditional form?
I think it sounds more natural, too.
“What if you tried dieting” sounds more gentle, as it seems intended.
All of theexample sentences use the English “Why don’t you…” (try dieting, go outside to play, etc.)…which is right as well, I’m sure, but if “what if…” is more accurate, should the English be changed, making reviews a tad easier?
I didn’t want to take up everyone’s time by flagging each one unless it matters. I’m not fluent so I don’t quite trust my own judgement.
Since it can be used to express criticsm, isn’t it better to just never use this? Or am seeing this term as worse than it actually is?
You might be seeing too much in it, but there is actually a way to avoid most of the misunderstandings:Just use てみたら:
like ~てみたらどうかな or ~てみてもいいと思う and so onOf course, something like もうやめたらどう might be missunderstood
I think this video does a good job of showing the positive and negative connotations of this grammar point. Readingsに加えたらどうですか?ww
@Johnathan-Weir Thank you for the share! I have added this video to the Readings section. Cheers!
Why is there no object particle in this case?
Hey and long time no see! @CrisH
Good question!
In more casual language を particle is often dropped. This is the case of this.I hope it helps,
Thanks - I got a bit swamped with other stuff, but now I’m back for life!
Is this equivalent to using する-verbs without it then?
Sorry, i know It’s been asked before in this thread but I have not seen it answered, can we use the ば conditional with this construction or the nuance would be different?
Thanks for the link!
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